Inkanto thermal transfer ribbons from smartlabelling

24 April 2018  |  Mike

inkanto thermal transfer ribbons from smartlabelling


inkanto is the brand that the ARMOR Group has chosen for its Thermal Transfer ribbon offering. It will definitely enhance your experience with our ribbons.

What does Inkanto mean? 

You'll probably wonder what on earth inkanto means - in Latin it means spell, charm, enchantment, fascination, magic and stands for quality, reliability, innovation, customer service, commitment leadership, partnership and adaptability.

inkanto is not just a complete new visual identity of ARMOR unbranded ribbons: the inkanto thermal transfer ribbon offering comes with an unparalleled line of new services.

To create a strong visual identity, full branding has been introduced on cores to boxes, with the latter now featuring a 2D barcode that connects with a quality control database to allow each customer to download a certifcate of conformity for each box, as well as identifcation and reporting of issues with a particular batch.

A newly introduced lifetime guarantee means, regardless of the product’s age, issues will be dealt with, while a cleaning cloth is now included in every box to assist with printer and printhead maintenance.

The inkanto range of ribbons will replace Armor own brand products as current stocks of the Armor product are depleted. Our website will show when an Armor product been discontinued The new inkanto ribbons are the same as it's Armor predecessor in size and specification.

Some products will have a different box qty and all products have new part numbers. As always, please don't hesitate to contact us if you require any assistance or samples for testing.

smart print and labelling